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Protecting Your Diamonds: "For VIP Only"

A friend once shared a story where an authority figure told a lower-ranking staff member, “You’re not among your peers.” This poignant remark emphasized the staff member’s unique value within her professional network. It’s a lesson we all need to consider: understanding the influence of those around us on our personal and professional growth.

A VIP sign reading "Members Only" on a stand, symbolizing exclusivity and selective access.
Just like this VIP sign, protect your most valuable assets by allowing access only to those who align with your values and goals.

The Power of Associations

When new people enter my personal and professional life, I evaluate their character and how they treat me. These assessments help me determine the nature of our relationship—whether it’s short-term or has the potential to last a lifetime. Some connections are inherently valuable, while others may hinder our growth and need to be disassociated.

The company we keep directly impacts our decisions and outcomes. Two scriptures that highlight this truth are 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character,’” and Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

Protecting Your "Diamonds"

A pastor once shared an experience of purchasing diamond jewelry for his wife. The jeweler led him to a backroom, reserved for the most exquisite pieces. The lesson? The best diamonds are kept away from casual viewers. Likewise, not everyone in your life should have access to your most valuable assets—your talents, goals, and inner circle.

Professionally and personally, certain relationships can cost you opportunities and money. Entrepreneurs and business professionals must assess associations carefully. Depending on your platform and goals, some relationships can harm your image, brand, and bottom line.

Aligning Image and Brand

For instance, if your work involves serving women and children, it’s crucial to avoid associations with activities or individuals linked to domestic abuse, violence, or drugs. Such connections can jeopardize your reputation and relationships with stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees.

As an author and youth speaker, I ensure my values align with the organizations I partner with. Schools and advocacy groups demand high standards for collaboration, and any deviation could undermine trust. Similarly, corporations often sever ties with those who could damage their brand.

Defining Your Personal and Professional Identity

To protect your “diamonds,” it’s essential to:

  1. Understand who you are personally and professionally.

  2. Define your purpose and what you aim to achieve.

  3. Uphold your character and values consistently.

Your image is how others perceive you, while your brand reflects the quality and features of your offerings. Together, they shape people’s beliefs about you. If people don’t trust or like you, they won’t support you.

Evaluating Your Relationships

A rubber stamp with the text "VIP ONLY" stamped in red, representing exclusivity and the importance of setting boundaries.
Establish your boundaries like a "VIP Only" stamp to protect your valuable assets and maintain your personal and professional growth.

Ask yourself: “Does this blog pertain to me?” If so, it’s time for introspection. Where are you now, and where are you trying to go? Have you been stuck in the same place for too long? Often, the people around you can’t accompany you on your journey to growth.

If your talents, business, or gifts are your “diamonds,” be cautious about who you allow into your space. Consider posting a metaphorical “For VIP Only” sign to protect what’s most valuable to you.


Chen, J. (2019). Stakeholder: What is a Stakeholder? Retrieved January 1, 2020 from


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